Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Skinny Bitch

This book was a bunch of crap bias. it started off all cute and good and then all of a sudden tells you that you must become a vegan and eat only organic. It also throws in some chapters about how the government is horrible and awful and we can't trust the USDA or EPA. (the chapter is literally called, "Trust No One") Oh and a whole chapter on how they slaughter cows, pigs and chickens in very graphic detail. Common. This is so not realistic for most people. I get the whole vegetarianism thing. I really do. That is one thing... vegan is whole other thing. This book was not at all what I expected. I felt like the authors were just out to push their own personal agenda against the government.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I felt the same way when I read it. I was attempting the Vegan lifestyle, however, I didn't find this book that helpful, and it seemed they were pushing their beliefs on others.