Wednesday, December 27, 2006

not enough bite for me.....

Finished Man of My Dreams. Eh... it reminded me of The Girls Guide to Hunting and Fishing -- by Melissa Banks, which I enjoyed.

I couldn't quite decide of I sympathized with Hannah or of I was just annoyed by her. There were certain points where, me being a 26 year old woman, I could whole-heartedly relate and other points where I just wanted to roll my eyes and tell Hannah to wake up and quit being such a whinny little girl.

I didn't enjoy this book as I did Prep, though I times I thought that I was just reading a grown up version of Lee Fiora, but then I realized that Lee Fiora had more balls than Hannah. Maybe this is why I liked Prep better. I just plain enjoyed the characters more. I don't do well with characters where I am obviously supposed to sympathize with. Hannah just didn't have enough, ah.. bite for me.

I did however like the layout of the book up until the last section. I disliked that the book was wrapped up in a letter written to her therapist. It was too... cliché for me. Does every young woman in this world need a straight talking therapist?

Up next:

I feel like a lot of people I know have already read this and loved it.. guess I am getting on the bandwagon.

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