Tuesday, August 21, 2007

A Piece of Cake

I finished A Piece of Cake last night.

This was an extremely compelling look in to the life of a woman who as see and done it all.

Want to know how to obtain and smoke crack? Read this book

Want to know how to join a gang in the drop of a hat? Read this book

Want to learn about every kind of illegal drug there is out there? Read this book

What to learn how to rip of furniture rental stores? Read this book

What to learn how easy it is for an 11 year old to become a prostitute? Read this book

Want to learn about how easy it is for an 11 year old orphan to fall through the cracks in the system? Read this book?

Want to learn how fake a resume and how NOT to keep a job? Read this book.

There were a few things I grappled with in this book. The biggest; if in fact "Cup", (as she is affectionately called through out the book) was in fact drunk, high and stoned for all most 15 years straight how on earth was she able to remember her life events so vividly? Enough so, to write over 300 pages about this time period in her life remembering names of people, places, streets, drugs with such detail that it seemed to be happening now? It was really quite odd. I would assume that anyone who spent that much time in another world or blacked out wouldn't remember anything. Although, there is rarely a mention of any actual dates in the book.

I found this book on one note completely and utterly disturbing. A portrait of how such a young girl struck by tragedy could feel through the cracks in a system that is supposedly there to help children and so quickly at that. How is it possible that this happened? How could no one believe the abuse? Is this system we have in place really that horrible?

I also found this book very hopeful. If one person really wants to take charge of their life and stays determined they can change their life around. I found my self cheering for Cup in the end. It left me with a warm feeling inside. After everything she had been through, she was able to pull herself out of it and live a productive life. There are so many people in the world who either choose a way in life Cup didn't or, who are unable to get out. This book shows it doesn't have to be that way.

Next up: Julie and Julia -- Julie Powell

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Noodle Maker

Finished The Noodle Maker over the weekend. It was just okay for me. I have been wanting to learn more about the cultural revolution in China and Asian Literature interests me. I think that my lack of knowledge on the subject hurt me when reading this book. I feel like there was a lot that went over my head. I didn't know what the "Open Door Policy" was while reading it. I could take a guess I suppose, but once I looked it up things make a bit more sense.

The stories were interesting enough, if not strange. I loved the Old Writer and the Blood Donor. I thought they were great characters. I also like how all the stories were tied together slightly by the mentioning of previous characters in the book.

All in all, it was just okay for me.

Next Up:

A Piece of Cake by Cupcake Brown.